Who built this site?

This WordPress site was built by Folk Labs. We’re a London-based digital design consultancy specialising in open sustainable innovation. Founded in 2013 by a software developer (Paul Mackay) and visual designer (Chris Wells) we have nearly four decades of cross-sector experience between us.

Our clients are typically start-ups, charities or eco-friendly organisations like The Big Raise but we work with all sorts of organisations including local and central government, and international NGOs. We’re always delighted to hear from anyone in need of help with digital innovation or visual design.

Our history with The Big Raise

Folk Labs have had a close relationship with Alexis Rowell for many years. Alexis has been working with Paul on various projects since they met at Transition Belsize back in 2008. Chris met Alexis at the Transition Conference in 2010 and then went on to work with him on several issues of the Transition Free Press.

Which tools were used to build this site?

Alexis’s vision for The Big Raise is for it to be a compelling story-driven and image-led digital magazine. He needed a solid content management system and, although he already had some experience with CMS Made Simple, he needed a tool offering more support for content authors and better features to allow him to scale later.

He also wanted a system which he could manage without having to rely on our help. And, crucially, he wanted the system to be able to scale with the Big Raise farm project if he ramps up to offer meditation and permaculture courses, food from the farm and other revenue streams.

With all that in mind, we selected WordPress as our underlying platform. And to support the web magazine approach, we added the Elegant Themes’ Extra theme system which provides excellent out-of-the-box magazine page building tools.

Get in touch with Folk Labs

Folk Labs are always on the look-out for innovative software or design projects especially if they’re supporting sustainable or local economic development projects, local food, permaculture initiatives or Transition Towns anywhere in the world. If you or your organisation fit that description, get in touch with us today.