We’ve had so much rain this winter that our new lake which was dug at the end of November is already full! It’s for water storage, for animals to drink from and for birds to float on.

Some of you will have helped to create the pond we’re digging by hand, which we started back in 2018, and which is now also full to overflowing. It’s an educational experiment designed to show how reliant we are on fossil fuels. Digging a pond using a mechanical digger takes a few days; using spades it takes many, many years!

We planted 100 more trees this winter, mostly nuts but also two peaches, two mulberries and the first half of an apple orchard (12 trees). The apple trees are all old varieties from our region of France.

Several mature apple trees (that we didn’t plant) fell over in high winds. We’ve hopefully rescued them. Also the main door of the barn nearly came off its rails so…

…we’ve replaced it!

If your organisation or company fancies a one-day permaculture course, then we’re up for that. Here’s the suggested programme:

  • Tour of farm (90 mins);
  • Three-course vegan lunch;
  • Principles of Permaculture class (60 mins);
  • Permaculture workshops on the land (three activities, each group to do each activity, 2.5 hours).
  • Aperitif

We’ve remodelled the veg plot (again!) to make the beds lower. As keen readers will be aware, although it can rain (a lot) in winter, there’s no longer much rain here between 1 March and 30 September, so the higher the bed, the harder it is to keep the soil moist and alive.

Here are five tips for making a permaculture veg plot: https://www.thebigraise.fr/2024/02/28/v-is-for-veg-plot/

In November Blanche was invited on to a radio show to explain how to create a permaculture veg plot! But she ended up spending most of the interview explaining why she went vegan in 2023! Warning: it’s in French! https://www.francebleu.fr/emissions/le-specialiste-du-jour/la-chapelle-du-bois-decouvrez-la-permaculture-a-la-ferme-de-la-grande-raisandiere-6262320

Alexis went on a straw buying spree at the end of 2023! Our visitors are now invited to take part in straw bale rolling races. Teams of three. Lightest on top. First to the new lake at the other end of the field wins!!!  

All the best for 2024,

Alexis, Blanche, Louis & Thelma